Escape to the Val d'Aran

0 opinions

A première vue

Enjoy the outdoor activities and the landscapes of the Val d’Aran

First mountain destination that obtains certification Biosphere Destination.

Sustainable and responsible Biosphere certificate that invites us to enjoy nature in its pure state tourist destination. Mountain bike excursion, visit villages, aranesa gastronomy, observation of nature, wildlife and adventure ferrata are the activities proposed for this escapade. You do not miss the hype. Good for a holiday in authentic and fun family!

Selected hotels for Exciting Events (depending on availability and season)

Retours gratuits et annulation

Réservez avec la tranquillité d'esprit de pouvoir annuler gratuitement si vous avez besoin


Include tourguide


Informations pratiques

The price includes
  • 3 night accommodation with half board in the hotels: 3* hotel Gran Chalet, 3* Eth Pomer, 3* La Vall Blanca, 3* Hosteria Catalana, 3* Hotel Es Neres, 3* Refugi d’Aran
  • Accredited guides for all activities
  • Guided hiking and mountain bike hire
  • Van 4×4 guided tour
  • Via Ferrata activity with guide and material.
  • Accident and liability insurance. (Check the conditions here)
The price does not include
  • Lunches

  • Spanish, English, French, Catalan and Aranes

Préparer l'activité

  • The experience is not accessible to disabled persons, except Vans 4×4 Tours activity.


  • Once your purchase, please contact Exciting Events, SL. to confirm the dates of the booking and availability.
  • The cancellation policy:
    • All cancellations must be notified in writting to Exciting Events SL.
    • All cancellations is going to have a penalty of:
      • 48h. prior of the services: no refund.
      • 3 prior of the services: 25% refund.
      • 5 prior of the services: 50% refund.
      • 7 prior of the services: 80% refund.
      • 10 prior of the services: 100% refund.
  • We offer you the opportunity to take out a cancellation insurance policy. (Check out the general and particular terms and conditions here)

Plus d'informations sur l'organisateur de l'expérience

Plus que jamais, il est important de soutenir les entreprises locales

Les temps sont difficiles pour le secteur des loisirs...

Exciting Events SL
Numéro de licence GC003434 | NIF B25693904
+34 973 643 325 Ctra. Gausac, 1 - local 15 Vielha, E-25530

Escape to the Val d'Aran

0 opinions
355,00 €
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Agence Catalane de Tourisme

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Escape to the Val d'Aran

Annulation gratuite

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