Cultural tourism with the five senses

0 opinions

A première vue

Walk, enjoy and rest in Montsonís, a village with medieval charm and rural tranquility

Enjoy cultural and nature tourism sleeping in the shelter of the fort and strolling through the cobbled streets of Montsonís.

Montsonís is not just a hiding place of rest and serenity. On the contrary, it is an ideal meeting point to immerse yourself in the living nature of the Montsec landscapes and enjoy a magnificent cultural tourism.

« La Botiga » of Montsonís emerges from the seductive nostalgia of the medieval streets of this town from Lleida. It stands on the main street of this city, on Mayor street, right next to its medieval castle, in a virgin, solitary rural setting… to discover step by step.


Include tourguide

Informations pratiques

The price includes
  • 1 night accommodation in a superior room with whirlpool bath with charm at Casa Alejandro (agrotourism) (PL-000106)
  • Breakfast at « La Botiga » in Montsonís
  • Dinner at « La Botiga » in Montsonís
  • Welcome gift in the room
  • Guided visit to the Castle of Montsonís

*Price per person. Minimun 2 persons

Price does not include
  • Personal expenses not included in the price includes
  • Dinner drinks
  • Transfers
  • Duration of the activity: 2 days – 1 night
  • The activity is offered throughout the year
  • Catalan, Spanish, English, French and Russian

Préparer l'activité

  • The activity is not accessible.


  • Once the purchase has been made, contact Montiline – 14, SL. To confirm the dates of the reservation and availability.
  • Cancellation policy:
    • The company can cancel the activity in case of exceptional situation of any of the suppliers.
    • Cancellations are accepted at least 48 hours in advance.
  • It offers the possibility of contracting a travel assistance policy and / or cancellation. (Check the general and particular conditions here)

Plus d'informations sur l'organisateur de l'expérience

Plus que jamais, il est important de soutenir les entreprises locales

Les temps sont difficiles pour le secteur des loisirs...

Montiline - 14, SL (Agència de viatges)
Numéro de licence GC001434 | NIF B25623232
+34 973 402 045 Pi, 5 Montsonís, E-25737

Cultural tourism with the five senses

0 opinions
71,30 €
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Agence Catalane de Tourisme

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Cultural tourism with the five senses


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