Heritage and tradition in Vall d'Aran and Vall de Boí

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A première vue

The spectacular mountain scenery and the aranese heritage have lived together for centuries, sharing the culture and traditions of the Val d’Aran.

Each of the 33 villages that make up the valley, they have their churches, and some of them are real treasures in architecture, paintings or sculptural. We are going to walk through the villages while we explain the customs, traditions and festivals: including the summer solstice fire festivals in the Pyrenees, Eth Haro or Taro, they were declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO since December 1st, 2015.

Also, discover the outstanding Romanesque of the Vall de Boí, declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 2000.

And at the heart of the Pyrenees, Luchon a pretty spa town, who is located in a majestic landscape where the Pyrenees have its magic. Its main attraction: The vaporarium, an immense natural hamam, Unique in Europe!

Visiting program:

Day 1: Arrival: Reception at the hotel or in our office and delivery of all information concerning your stay. Dinner at the hotel. Walk through Vielha: the old town and visit the church of San Miguel.

Day 2: Morning: Naut Aran Pla de Beret: the largest in the Pyrenees to almost 2000 meters high plateau. Mirador, from which we can make out the Maladeta Massif, one of the last glaciers of the Pyrenees and its highest peak. Unha: Museu dera Nheu, its Romanesque church and an example of the XVI century fortified house. Afternoon: Salardú: the church of Sant Andreu with his miraculous Romanesque Christ and Veracruz. Arties: Its Romanesque church of Santa Maria.

Day 3: Morning: Visit to Aigüestortes i Sant Maurici National Park (In winter, an excursion with snowshoes). Afternoon: discover the exceptional Romanesque: Sant Climent de Taüll, Sant Joan de Boí, Santa Eulalia of Erill.

Day 4: Morning: Vilac: geographic center dera Val d’Aran. Church of Sant Felix with the only visitable bell valley. Vilamós: Casa Museu Çò of Joanchiquet: The aranesa house. Church of Santa Maria and spectacular view. Afternoon: Les: visit the remains of the last aranés feudal castle. We will also have the opportunity to meet the party deth Haro: celebration of the summer solstice; the Romanesque chapel of San Blas and the Baths of the Barony. Bossòst: A lively village with shops that attract many visitors. Its protective path consists of 7 chapels built as a protective cordon of people. The parish church of Santa Maria as a beautiful example of Lombard Romanesque.

Day 5: Morning: Luchon known as « The Queen of the Pyrenees », visit this spa town, whose waters have been throughout history courted by high society; its elegant architecture gives it great charm.

Retours gratuits et annulation

Réservez avec la tranquillité d'esprit de pouvoir annuler gratuitement si vous avez besoin


Include tourguide


Informations pratiques

The price includes
  • 3 night accommodation with half board (breakfast and dinner) in the hotels: 3* hotel Gran Chalet, 3* Eth Pomer, 3* La Vall Blanca, 3* Hosteria Catalana, 3* Hotel Es Neres, 3* Refugi d’Aran
  • Accredited guides for all activities
  • Accident and liability insurance
The price does not include
  • Lunches
  • 4×4 taxis to the National Park
  • Tickets to visit the churches in the Vall de Boí and the Museums
  • Spanish, English, French, Catalan and Aranes

Préparer l'activité

  • The experience is not accessible for disabled persons.


  • Once your purchase, please contact Exciting Events, SL. to confirm the dates of the booking and availability.
  • The cancellation policy:
    • All cancellations must be notified in writting to Exciting Events SL.
    • All cancellations is going to have a penalty of:
      • 48h. prior of the services: no refund.
      • 3 prior of the services: 25% refund.
      • 5 prior of the services: 50% refund.
      • 7 prior of the services: 80% refund.
      • 10 prior of the services: 100% refund.
  • We offer you the opportunity to take out a cancellation insurance policy. (Check out the general and particular terms and conditions here)

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Exciting Events SL
Numéro de licence GC003434 | NIF B25693904
+34 973 643 325 http://www.excitingevents.es events@excitingevents.es Ctra. Gausac, 1 - local 15 Vielha, E-25530

Heritage and tradition in Vall d'Aran and Vall de Boí

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375,00 €
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Heritage and tradition in Vall d'Aran and Vall de Boí

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