Website ownership

Department of Tourism.  Generalitat de Catalunya

Catalan Tourism Board


Paseo de Gràcia, 105, 3.ª planta, 08008-Barcelona

Telephone: (0034) 93 4849900

Contact email:

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 17:00

The Catalan Tourism Board, created by Law 15/2007 of 5 December (DOGC 5030 of 17/12/2007) and Decree 192/2009 of 9 December (DOGC 5524 of 11/12/2009) is the official body of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalonian Regional Government) in charge of promoting and helping to commercialise tourism in Catalonia, both internationally and in the rest of Spain.  Its aim is to consolidate the image of Catalonia as a tourism destination offering diversity and quality.

Media platform

The Catalan Tourism Board is the owner of the website and makes it available to online users in order to provide tourist information about Catalonia. Users may also purchase products offered through the website.

These products and services are offered to users in order to promote and encourage tourism in Catalonia.

The Catalan Tourism Board does not itself provide any of the services offered, whether package holidays or other tourist services or products.

Intellectual property

The Administration permits the reuse of the content and data anywhere in the world, without any time limit or restriction apart from the basic conditions set forth in Article 8 of Law 37/2007 (cite the source, do not alter or distort the information, and specify the date it was last updated), provided this is not contradicted by a licence or notice attached to a specific work, which will take precedence.

How the information on may be reused

Law 37/2007, of 16 November, the Reuse of Public Sector Information Act, which transposes Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and Council, regulates the reuse of public information made available by administrations and bodies which are the majority participants in it, i.e., the right of all potential market agents to reuse the public authority information. In accordance with these regulations, the Administration permits the reproduction, distribution and public communication of the work, and the transformation of the work to create derivative works, anywhere in the world and without any time limit, provided this is not contradicted by a licence or notice attached to a specific work, which will take precedence.

The photographs on this website are not subject to these conditions since they belong to image banks which do not allow this conduct.

To reuse the information, the following conditions must be followed:

  • a) Do not distort the meaning of the information.
  • b) Always cite the source of the information.
  • c) Mention the date of the information was most recently updated.

The author or the owner of the rights must always be cited: Generalitat de Catalunya. Department of [name of department]. [regional body, state company].

This link provides the addresses of the departments of the Generalitat and their sub-departments.

Other modes of reuse

Reuse may also be limited by safeguarding other legal aspects which take priority, such as the protection of personal data, privacy, or the intellectual property rights of third parties. The reuse of works protected by intellectual property rights may be formalised by use of open publication licences such as those of Creative Commons, which  make over certain rights to exploit the works. In content where this type of licence is applied, reuse is permitted under the established conditions.

The use is of any logos, brands, seals and distinctive symbols of the Generalitat de Catalunya in publications and websites in which it does not participate or act as sponsor is strictly forbidden. These graphic corporate identity elements are the exclusive property of the Generalitat de Catalunya and are protected by the relevant legislation.


On the website, users may find links to other websites or social networks, which are managed by third parties. The Catalan Tourism Board does not have the power or the human or technical resources to check, control or approve all the information, content, products or services provided by other websites linked to from this website.


These general legal notice conditions are governed by Spanish law, and the courts of Barcelona are competent to hear any dispute which may arise concerning their interpretation, application and fulfilment.