Between Montsant and Priorat, wine tourism weekend

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Auf den ersten Blick

We suggest a wine tourism weekend in Cornudella de Montsant, north of the Priorat, at the base of the Natural Park of Montsant, between two „designations of origin“: Montsant and Priorat.


  • Full and tempting activity package that well let you know by first hand two closed realities and diferent at the same time.
  • On Saturday we will enjoy a 4 × 4 route between DO Montsant and DOQ PRiorat and we will do a wine and cheese tasting among vineyards.
  • In the afternoon, after a good meal of pairing, we will visit the cellar Burgos Porta (DOQ Priorat), of organic production.
  • Sunday, we will carry out the activity „Between Còdols, from the hermitage to the winery“, where we will enjoy the majestic surroundings on foot of Montsant.
  • We will finish the stay with a visit to the winery Cooperativa de Cornudella de Montsant, built by Cèsar Martinell, a disciple of Antoni Gaudí.

Package 2 people.



Praktische Informationen

The package includes
  • 1 night accommodation with breakfast, in Cal Giral II (PT-000208) in Cornudella de Montsant
  • Activity „Entre còdols de l’Ermita al Celler“: route in 4×4, walking through vineyards and visit the modernist winery in Cornudella de Montsant (DO Montsant)
  • Tasting lunch
  • Route in 4×4 with tasting of wine and cheese between vineyards.
  • Dinner LoRefugi Gastrobar
  • Visit the winery „Burgos Porta“ (DOQ Priorat)
The package does not include
  • Transportation
  • Duration of the activity: 2 days / 1 night
  • Arrived only on Fridays
  • Catalan, Spanish

Bereiten Sie sich auf die Aktivität vor

  • Activity not suitable for people with reduced mobility.
  • There is the option to make meals for any intolerant and/or allergic


  • Once the reservation is done, contact with SiuranaTours for deciding the booking details and disponibility.


  • Cancellation policy:
    • If you wish to cancel the booking, will be applied the actual regulations (law 9/2011, of 29th of December).


  • We offer you the opportunity to take out a travel-assistance and / or cancellation insurance policy. (Check out the general and particular terms and conditions here)

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Siurana Tours
Lizenz-Nummer GC003761 | ID Nummer B43702554
+34 610 178 017 Major, 37 Cornudella de Montsant, E-43360

Between Montsant and Priorat, wine tourism weekend

0 meinungen
300,00 €
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Between Montsant and Priorat, wine tourism weekend


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